A New Way of Living

In my last blog post article I discussed the potential issues facing our global community in 2012.

If  it were necessary to compile a list of the potential causes of the multiple problems being experienced in the world today at the top of that list would be – a belief in SEPARATION. That is separation from our Universal Source or as some have called it God, Allah, Yaweh, the Tao and such like and separation from each other. It is this belief alone that has single handedly caused us to believe that we must compete and fight against each other to survive. Continue reading

2012 the Year of Social Revolution or Rebellion?

The year of 2011 could best be described as a year of upheaval with not only global political and economic instability to contend with but also the dertimental impacts of climate change, destructive earthquakes and tidal waves, floods, tornados, exploding volcanoes and man-made environmental disasters.

It is probably safe to assume that there will be more of the same in 2012.

What we do know is that certain world cycles will come to an end later this year and this will coincide with a unique planetary realignment. It is difficult to predict what will happen yet one thing is certain our planet is currently undergoing a significant reorganisation at every level. Not the least of which is the growing global momentum towards the desire for greater individual freedom which has for far too long been denied by those who have abused the power either vested in them through the default of an uneducated and apathetic majority or which has simply been taken on the back of self professed Divine right or simple military might. Continue reading

Whole Hearted Living

Heart based living is a tonic to the stress and madness caused by mind based living where our minds control us.

Our minds make fantastic tools with which we could not function in this physical reality. Yet if left unchecked they control us and because they have been shaped by other people and our external environments they lead us away from our own personal truths. Continue reading

Opposites Day

Have you ever experienced the feeling that on some days just about everything you experience is the exact opposite of what you want?

Well there is a reason for this – that is to do with the Law of Opposition. We live in a dual realm where we can only experience life through the tension of opposites. For every up there is a down, for every right there is a wrong and for every night there is a day and so on……The tension caused by the oppositional pairing of anything enables us to experience life in its full glory. Continue reading

The Waiting Game

How often have you heard the comment ‘I’m just waiting for this or that to happen before I can feel happy or successful?”

The truth is that happiness and success are all attitudes and states of mind and therefore are available to us right now without any need to wait for them to mysteriously descend on us from high. We can be as happy and successful as we choose to be. 

Unfortunately for most of us we don’t make that decision and we continue to put off what we say we want until the conditions are just right and of course those conditions are never just right enough. So our lack of happiness and success (according to our various personal definitions) continues unabated and unchallenged. Continue reading

Dysfunctional Independence

We have all been brought up to believe that success is the result of competitive independence. Common catch cries being: us against them – dog eat dog – screw them before they screw you! The corridors of power are littered with the corpses of executives who have outlived their “use by dates”.

We have learned through our educationalists and other role models that the road to success is through competitive win/loose strategies. This model of course suits our egos perfectly. When we achieve what we have set out to do we reinforce the idea that somehow we are special and better than eveyone else. When we fail to achieve our goals we simply blame other people and external events. Whichever way it goes the ego wins but do we? Continue reading

A New Religion or Just False Idiology?

It has been interesting to watch the interest in the Rugby World Cup currently be staged in New Zealand.

People have travelled from around the world to be here to support their teams. Such fierce and passionate patriotism is infectious. Nationalism is fuelled by anthems and other cultural displays.

The popularity of religion has been on the wane now for quite some time. People have realised that much of the dogma that often accompanies religious practices has become irrelevant to them in these fast paced modern times. So instead of heading off to church or synagogue on Sundays many people now worship other Gods with the same fanaticism and head off to a local sports stadium instead for a quick fix of partisan escapism and drama. Continue reading

Mirror mirror on the wall……

I think we all remember these infamous words from “Sleeping Beauty” which precede that often asked question.

These words still hold just as powerful message for us today as they did when we were children. The rest of the question is “who is the fairest of them all” and of course this is a question that we constantly ask ourselves as we navigate through our daily lives.

We make comparisons, we make judgments, we label people and things, we approve or disapprove and we criticise ourselves and others endlessly. We have developed identities and masks that we have decided will give is what we want – security and safety from harm and other people’s approval.

Yet in creating these “false” and illusory identities we have shut ourselves off from those “shadow” parts of us which we disown and repress. We call these “shadow” parts because they are different sides of the same coins of character that make up the primary identities which we parade around and display to others. These “shadow’ parts don’t fit with the self-created acceptable image we have of our selves. Continue reading

Magical Guidelines for Living a Powerful Life

As our lives can often be sidetracked by busyness we can sometimes overlook including on a daily basis some of the basic ingredients for our “life magic” show. 

The following magical guidelines have been adapted from Debbie Ford’s “Consciousness Cleanse” rules:

  1. Why – every morning before leaving home remind yourself about your purpose in life.
  2. Choose your state – you can choose to operate at a higher level of consciousness.
  3. Be present –  our thoughts arise from the past. Remember to focus on what you are doing and give your full attention to that.
  4. Be healthy – treat your body as the temple of your soul. Nourish and enjoy it. Continue reading


Can you imagine heaven on earth?

John Lennon could and his inspiring and prophetic words still convey the magic that they created when the song was first written.

“Imagine there’s no countries, it isn’t hard to do. Nothing to kill or die for and no religion too. Imagine all the people living in peace. You may say I’m a dreamer but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you will join us and the world will be as one. Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can. No need for greed or hunger. A brotherhood of man. Imagine all the people sharing all the world. You, you may say I’m a dreamer but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you will join us and the world will live as one.”

John Winston Lennon

Our different interpretations of our experiences form our own unique versions of reality – some dream of heaven and others dream of hell. The whole human race has been living a dream of hell. We have all been conditioned to believe in this nightmare version of reality. As we all know what we believe in we see in our lives. Continue reading