Our Heroic Journey

The age old question “What is the purpose of life?” has been the topic of many a worthy treatise yet many proferred answers go only part of the way in answering it.

Some of the usual answers to that question include happiness, love, peace, joy, wisdom, growth and learning. While these may be by-products of the purpose of life they are only part of the answer.

our heroic journey

If we accept that we contain within us the spark of the divine then our purpose must include a spiritual element as well as mental and physical elements – the triune of spirit, mind and body. Unfortunately for us we appear to have lost our spirit connection which is the light within us and spend our lives expressing and experiencing only the mental and physical elements of existence.

From a divine perspective (if there is even such a thing) our lives give us the opportunity to express and experience more of our true essence in the duality of physical form. Yet while our inner light still shines we have covered that up with the debris of life much like the Golden Buddha the true nature of which had been covered  for 200 years in layers of mud and grime.
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