Opposites Day

Have you ever experienced the feeling that on some days just about everything you experience is the exact opposite of what you want?

Well there is a reason for this – that is to do with the Law of Opposition. We live in a dual realm where we can only experience life through the tension of opposites. For every up there is a down, for every right there is a wrong and for every night there is a day and so on……The tension caused by the oppositional pairing of anything enables us to experience life in its full glory.

Imagine what life would be like if everything was the same – there would be no possibility of contrast. There would be just one source stream of pure energy comprising everything all at once – undifferentiated existence.

The reason that we more often than not experience the opposite of what were are wanting before what we want manifests in our lives is for this very reason. Once we experience what we don’t want we can fully appreciate what it is that we do want. Just beyond the oppositional door lies what we have always wanted.

Yet if we resist what we are currently experiencing the arrival of what we want may be delayed. The key is to surrender and relax into what we are currently experiencing. However this does not mean we do not try to change what is not working for us it just means we do not get attached to outcomes.

The experience of an oppositional event just means what you really want is just attached to the tail of that experience and if you are patient you will soon see and experience your desires in full manifestation shortly. So don’t lose heart – keep the faith – keep an eye on where you want to go and just Let Go..d!