Whole Hearted Living

Heart based living is a tonic to the stress and madness caused by mind based living where our minds control us.

Our minds make fantastic tools with which we could not function in this physical reality. Yet if left unchecked they control us and because they have been shaped by other people and our external environments they lead us away from our own personal truths.

Our personal truths lie at the heart of the matter. Heart felt living has at its core the full expression of love for our selves and others as individuated expressions of the Divine. We are all aspects of God godding! God is everywhere and in everything including us.

How do we connect with this truth? Here are some useful “keys’ to help unlock our personal truth:

  1. Have the courage to be imperfect – we are all perfect in our imperfection.
  2. Have the compassion to be kind to ourselves first and then to others.
  3. Have the courage to let go of who we think we should be and be who we really are.
  4. Embrace vulnerability – here is the ultimate expression of your true beauty.
  5. Be willing to take risks and do what you know needs to be done to keep you on track and authentic.
  6. Acknowledge the light and beauty in others regardless of how they portray themselves.

In my experience the most powerful of the above “keys” to personal truth is allowing ourselves to be vulnerable. If we ignore our emotions and choose instead to bury or numb those feelings we end up blaming others for how we feel, life becomes a struggle and we pretend that what we do has no real effect.

There is another way and that is to:

  • Let ourselves be seen
  • Love wholeheartedly
  • Practice gratitude and joy
  • Be kinder to ourselves

If you make no other resolution for the new year simply resolve to live your life from your heart and be wholehearted in everything you do. God Bless.