2012 the Year of Social Revolution or Rebellion?

The year of 2011 could best be described as a year of upheaval with not only global political and economic instability to contend with but also the dertimental impacts of climate change, destructive earthquakes and tidal waves, floods, tornados, exploding volcanoes and man-made environmental disasters.

It is probably safe to assume that there will be more of the same in 2012.

What we do know is that certain world cycles will come to an end later this year and this will coincide with a unique planetary realignment. It is difficult to predict what will happen yet one thing is certain our planet is currently undergoing a significant reorganisation at every level. Not the least of which is the growing global momentum towards the desire for greater individual freedom which has for far too long been denied by those who have abused the power either vested in them through the default of an uneducated and apathetic majority or which has simply been taken on the back of self professed Divine right or simple military might.

It is interesting that while our global history is littered with examples of revolutions and the overthrow of dictatorships royal or otherwise those who have risen to replace them have not been able to effect the long lasting change which was the motivation for the revolt in the first place. It seems that those who lead the revolts against alleged wrong doings of those in power have themselves ended up perpetrating the same “crimes” as the dictators they had replaced. Why?

It all comes down to a simple word “power”. Yet power in and of itself is harmless. What tends to happen is that when “unawakened” individuals are elevated to positions that give them power over others their latent insecurities and well defined egos rise to the surface and if left unchecked eventually corrupt the power that has been vested in them. I therefore do not agree with the saying “power corrupts”. It is really only an individuals unexamined tendencies that impact on how they use that power which leads to corruption. This is why “ordinary” revolutions will always fail.

What is needed is a personal and global rebellion which focusses on an awakening of higer consciousness which begins with each of us being open to a New Way of Living. The only revolution required is a revolution of human consciousness. This may best be summed up in the following quote:

“If humanity remains asleep, if humanity remains unconscious and hypnotised, then the politician can remain in power and the priest can go on exploiting you. If humanity becomes awake, then there will be no need for politicians or priests. There will be no need for any country, state and there will be no need for any church. There will be a totally different quality to human consciousness. That quality needs to be born. We have come to the point in the evolution of human consciousness where this new consciousness is tremendously needed..” OSHO

It is fair to say that humanity apart from a few exceptions has lived till now without full awareness. We have been seduced and brainwashed by what those who have historically taken moral and legal authority over us and who have defined for us the “correct” way to live. In blindly following the dictates of other “no lesser or greater mortals” who have professed to often have been divinely imbued with power over others we have given away our freedom to be who we choose to be. 

Economics has become the false idol of society. This has lead us down a dead-end road.  Look no further than the current global economic collapse  to see where that has lead! Economics controls politicians and our culture. Those with economic wealth have the power to control individuals, countries and ultimately the world.

We have lost sight of the fact that economics and politics were designed to meet the needs of humanity. Economies were designed to sustain us and political machinery designed to serve us. The real question now is:


According to acclaimed best selling author Neale Donald Walsch: “What is needed is a societal transformation based on and emerging from socially engaged spirituality and deep substantive inner change”. The steps which will move us towards this change begin with each of us in our own personal transformation which will take us from being deeply asleep to being fully awakened individuals who are ready to participate in creating a New Way of Living.

If you question the need for this or choose to simply continue to bury your head in the sands of apathy preferring to leave this task to others you need only ask yourself:


If you are unable to immediately answer that question I suggest that if you have one you turn on your television set now or simply read a newspaper! There is BAD NEWS everywhere and little GOOD NEWS.

This in and of itself poses another related problem – a significant number of the world’s population does not have and is not permitted access to news media releases. Freedom – what freedom?

Now ask yourself that question again.

This in and of itself raises yet another problem – a significant number of the world’s population do not have enough food to live on – thousands are dying every minute of every day. These starving people do not have the luxury to worry about what is going on outside of their immediate environment. They are struggling to survive even when there is enough food in the world to feed them. 

Can you now get a sense of what is going on here?

Keep on asking that question until you can no longer pretend that all is okay in the world today. You can make a difference and a good starting point as always  is to be open to entering into dialogue with others about this and looking to see what changes you can make in your life that will pave the way for a better future for us all.