A New Way of Living

In my last blog post article I discussed the potential issues facing our global community in 2012.

If  it were necessary to compile a list of the potential causes of the multiple problems being experienced in the world today at the top of that list would be – a belief in SEPARATION. That is separation from our Universal Source or as some have called it God, Allah, Yaweh, the Tao and such like and separation from each other. It is this belief alone that has single handedly caused us to believe that we must compete and fight against each other to survive.

This belief is entrenched in us at a young age as we are forced to compete with each other at school for the best grades and awards. We carry this individual competition into the work place and beyond. On a bigger scale we elect governments, create national identities, secure for ourselves tracts of land that are ours to own and as separate countries boldly proclaim to the rest of the world that we have historical rights to occupy areas in the world which belong solely to us. If anybody or any other country threatens our rights we stand firm and often times start a war to protect our so-called sovereignty.

Separation has also spawned many different ideologies religious and otherwise about the meaning of life. We go to extremes to defend our particular ideas and insist that only our ideas are right.

History tells us that all global conflict has started either from an attack against and a defence of our separate countries and cultures or from an insistence that other people should believe in the same ideas or philosophies that we do.

The healing medicine for the many problems caused by this illusory belief is the TRUTH that we are unified in our ONENESS. We are all individuated expressions of the ONE source of all existence (regardless of what label you give to this). This source is the very process of life itself. Therefore what we do to others has a direct impact on ourselves.

The central themes for this connectedness are UNITY and CO-OPERATION and not separation and competition which have brought us to our current predicament – global economic meltdown, extreme wealth and extreme poverty, loss of hope for the future, stress related illness and death, development of weapons of mass destruction, violence, conflict, repression, loss of individual freedoms and more…….

Imagine what could be achieved if all the countries in the world pooled together all the money that they invest in military defence and instead contributed that to the relief of poverty and starvation. There would be an immediate turnaround in those global problems. It is not a matter of there not being enough resources it is and always has been more a matter of the distribution of those resources.

What is required however is a New Way of Thinking, a new mindset, new beliefs and a willingness to be open to admitting that if we want different results then we need to BE different and DO things differently so that we can HAVE a world of abundance, peace, joy and prosperity for all.

This New Way of Thinking starts with us individually through first understanding how we have arrived almost at the point of no return and secondly through committing to living our lives at a new higer level of consciousness. This new consciousness is a remembering of who WE ARE and our choosing to BE the next greatest version of the next greatest vision that we have for ourselves as divine spiritual beings.