“Wherever you go -there you are”

The title to this post is an old Zen saying which in simple terms means that we take our beliefs and our energy vibrations everywhere we go. So if things are not working the way that you want them to work in your life then just changing your environment will have little lasting effect.

Not much changes in our lives until we change ourselves. This is an inside job. It has little to do with our external environment. We are every second of each day creating our own reality from the thoughts that we focus on which in turn are automatically generated by our subconscious belief patterns. Our beliefs form our personal databank from which we create our unique model of reality. Continue reading

The Money Debate

This post is a response to a discussion I had recently with a friend about “money”.

I grew up in a lower socio-economic state housing area and many of my beliefs about money reflect that environment and the beliefs that my parents passed on to me about that subject. Some of these beliefs to name only a few were that “having too much money was not spiritual, that money did not grow on trees, that if you had too much money you must have acquired it dishonestly and that it was more respectable and humble to work hard and just make do.” All in all it is not surprising that I was left with the idea that “money” was somehow bad and tainted by the hands of the Devil! Continue reading

The Gratitude Effect

“Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn’t learn a lot today, at least we learned a little and if we didn’t learn a little, at least we didn’t get sick and if we got sick at least we didn’t die so let us all be thankful.”

Gautama Buddha

I find it interesting that when things are going well for me in most areas of my life I pay little attention to why that may be or at the very least express thanks for the prosperity, abundance and happiness I am experiencing. Yet on the other hand when things are not going so well guess where my focus is? That’s right – I am focussing on what is not going right and I am usually complaining about that.

How often do we express true gratitude for all the small and big things that contribute to our lives? I suggest that most of us would be struggling to even recall when we last said “thank you” for those things we take so much for granted. Taking things for granted only leads to a general lack of appreciation and eventually will lead us into negativity. Continue reading

Conscience or Consciousness?

Our conscience plays the role of moral arbiter in our lives. It represents what we think about ourselves, others and what we are experiencing in our lives. Yet it has been developed predominantly through the input of other people and organisations. It stems from the past and spreads into tomorrow and expresses individuality and division.

Consciousness on the other hand is simply a state of observing without classifying what is being observed. It is the pure state of awareness that occurs outside of thinking. It exists only in the present moment and is the true expression of Oneness and unity.

Whenever we are fully conscious there is no conscience. Everything  just is.

Our conscience is the cause of much suffering. We judge, blame and are intolerant of anything or anybody who disagrees with us. When  we are fully conscious of ourselves and what is happening to us there can be only acceptance and compassion.

Which “C” will you choose to be?

Just Quoting

“Healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn’t you – all of the expectations, all of the beliefs – and becoming who you are.”

Rachel N Remen MD

A Fascinating “Watch”

I recently took my young son to see the movie “Hugo” a film directed by Martin Scorscese.

I expected to be sitting through yet another “boorish” made for children movie but was pleasantly surprised that this was not the case. Instead what was presented was a senstive and thought provoking film which had as much to do with the passage of “time” as it did “loss and healing”.

The central character of the movie “Hugo” an orphan lived in a railway station in the heart of Paris and had taken over the responsibility of keeping the stations clocks running to time after the death of his father and the disappearance of his adoptive alcoholic uncle. Continue reading

The Real Secret

There has been much talked and written about the creation/manifestation process and much of it is incomplete. The book  titled “The Secret” caused quite a stir when it was first published. It caused alot of people to rethink how they live their lives. However, it did cause some individuals to believe that all they had to do in life was choose what they wanted and with an abundance of focus it would somehow mysteriously manifest in reality for them.

This lead to individuals focussing on the future expectation of their dreams being fulfilled and the more they focussed on what they wanted as being out there in the future the further they seemed to move away from what they desired. Continue reading

Just Quoting

Quote of the month:

Do we choose to be compassionate? Caring? Loving? Do we choose to live as a Unified Whole, having everything to do with each other, or do we choose to continue living as separate persons, having essentially nothing to do with each other except insofar as we need and must use each other to ensure our individual happiness and survival?”

ND Walsch

The Anatomy of Need

We are constantly being bombarded with “new stuff” from advertisers and promoters. We are told that we must have this or that new “gizzmo” or that we can’t possibly live without a particular service or product. The whole point of these adverts and promotions is to convince us that our lives will somehow be less if we do not “buy into” their way of thinking.

This is a form of subliminal brainwashing aided by visual cues portraying how we will feel or look after investing in their product or service. However, this can only work if within us there is a belief that somehow something is missing in our lives or that we need something external to us in order for us to be happy.

Given that “big business” is made from these adverts and promotions there is quite clearly a NEED to fill! Continue reading