The Real Secret

There has been much talked and written about the creation/manifestation process and much of it is incomplete. The book  titled “The Secret” caused quite a stir when it was first published. It caused alot of people to rethink how they live their lives. However, it did cause some individuals to believe that all they had to do in life was choose what they wanted and with an abundance of focus it would somehow mysteriously manifest in reality for them.

This lead to individuals focussing on the future expectation of their dreams being fulfilled and the more they focussed on what they wanted as being out there in the future the further they seemed to move away from what they desired.

Life is not a magic show! It was not designed that way. In this physical realm processes that in the realm of spirit are instantaneous are subject to certain immutable laws and the grosser impacts of time and space.

The secret behind the”Secret” has everything to do about assimilation rather than expectation.

Most people will have experienced moments of having set an intention and then forgetting completely about that only to discover at some other time when they are in the midst of something completely unrelated their intention mysteriously manifests. This is where the ‘pedal hits the metal” and this is where people frequently go astray.

The secret behind “The Secret” is letting go and LETTING GOD! It is living and experiencing right now how we want our lives to be. It is not some future event which we are waiting for and has not yet shown up for us! Part of the problem occurs when on a daily basis we keep reviewing our goals which only serves to remind us that they are still  future events. However, when we assimilate our intention (represented by our goals) into our everyday lives and live from those instead of waiting for those to arrive thats when the changes we seek start to happen.

Instead of waiting until things are just right or until we feel that we deserve what we want – live and breathe who you want to be or what you want right now. That means if you want to be a more compassionate person then BE that person NOW! That means if you want that new car or new house then take the car for a test drive or go to open homes NOW! Don’t wait for these states or things to somehow mysteriously arrive on your doorstep without taking appropriate action because they are unlikely to.

One of the biggest obstacles to our manifesting what we want from life is ourselves and in particular the beliefs we have about life and whether we are deserving enough to have what we want. When we operate from a place of limitation and contraction we cut ourselves off from the flow of life energy that is so necessary for us to expand and evolve. By the time that this energy which is already available to us passes through our contracted mental and physical systems it has become weakened and diffuse and the results we achieve become likewise unclear and confused.

When on the other hand we have cleared our systems from mental and physical blockages we open ourselves up to the full flow of life and changes in our lives start to occur as if by magic. Though we now know that while there is indeed a magical and all encompassing magical energy at play here we also hopefully understand that we ourselves play a pivotal role in the process of creating our own lives.