“Wherever you go -there you are”

The title to this post is an old Zen saying which in simple terms means that we take our beliefs and our energy vibrations everywhere we go. So if things are not working the way that you want them to work in your life then just changing your environment will have little lasting effect.

Not much changes in our lives until we change ourselves. This is an inside job. It has little to do with our external environment. We are every second of each day creating our own reality from the thoughts that we focus on which in turn are automatically generated by our subconscious belief patterns. Our beliefs form our personal databank from which we create our unique model of reality.

Our brains function very much like computers. Computers can only operate from programmes that have been installed by programmers. If your computer does not have a word processing programme then you will be unable to construct a word document until this programme has been installed. If your brain and all the neural pathways that are created within it have not been programmed for financial success and prosperity but instead operate from an old programme called “scarcity” then  you will not be able to achieve the financial success that you desire and in fact will see the opposite of that manifest in your life.

So how do our beliefs and thoughts create our reality?

Quantum science has established without any doubt that everything in the universe at its most basic level is energy. This energy in its pure unmanifest form exists in wave like patterns until it is made manifest by transforming into particles of matter. This morfing process has been shown to occur when there is impressed upon the energy field an observant act such as a pattern of thought. Thoughts are also energy and they transmit energy signatures of their own.

Our thoughts whether conscious or unconscious have an effect upon the universal energy web which exists everywhere as the source of pure possibility. What we put out into that web of energy will return to us as manifested energy – matter.

“As you sow, so shall ye reap”!

We are literally creating our lives in every moment and if we are not aware of this then we by default allow thoughts based on sometimes limiting foundational  beliefs to bring to us what we don’t really want. When we find ourselves in difficult or challenging situations we tend to react to these in ways that reinforce these unhelpful beliefs. For example, if we are experiencing financial hardship then it is almost certain that we have foundational beliefs based around scarcity or some idea that having too much is somehow bad. Our thoughts will be tinged with these qualities also and consequently will continue to attract the same results.

You may well ask why we have not known this?

The reason is that we have been taught the contrary from an early age. Our teachers and parents have simply passed on to us their limited understanding about life and that understanding is based on the old “Newtonian Model” that we have no ability to influence what is going on around us and that our consciousness has no impact whatsoever on our reality.

There is however a more sinister reason for our being subjected to this form of brainwashing. The powers that be who have designed the global economic structures and systems have done so for their own profit and they would not benefit from individuals realising the true potential of their unlimited creative power. However this is now changing as citizens of this planet are waking up to what has been going on and are now choosing to embrace their unlimited creative power and to live their lives as fully conscious and empowered beings representative of the one universal consciousness that created everything.

Evolution is inevitable. Old structures and systems are crumbling. Old mindsets based on separation, limitation and competition have become irrelevant to the future of our species and this planet. We can either participate in this process or we can resist it. However nothing and nobody can stand against change for too long – even rock faces are worn away eventually by the unrelenting power of the ocean.

Embracing your own change through identifying your current foundational beliefs and changing those that don’t support you is the best place to start. If this sounds too daunting to tackle alone then our coaching systems and coaches can assist you with this process.