The Nuclear Debate

Its not surprising that the nuclear debate has reared its head again with the problems being experienced in Japan at the moment.

What the current situation in Japan does show us is that nuclear power is highly unstable and damage caused by unpredictable natural disasters to these nuclear reactors will cause significant loss of  life and environmental destruction. This conclusion cannot be argued. We are now seeing the evidence of it every day as we are constantly being updated with an apparent deteriorating situation.

It is ironic that Japan of all countries given its recent history and the impacts of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War Two should now find itself in the position of having created its own nuclear incident by relying rightly or wrongly on nuclear power as the means to provide power to its people and businesses.

It is also interesting to note that while we seem to have the technology to build these reactors yet when it comes to dealing with problems generated by them our responses seem all but primitive in comparison. If the only workable response to such a potential disaster is dropping buckets of water on top of reactors then there is something seriously wrong with our thinking. If we cannot deal with the fallout (excuse the pun) then we should not be lighting fires in the kitchen!

What is worse is that even while thousands of lives appear to be at risk the politicians keep playing the political game to the end. Even at this point there are conflicting reports as to the exact levels of radiation being leaked. It is surely incumbent upon those who govern to be honest and direct about the real position so that the people can make informed decisions about taking precautions and moving to safer ground. These after all are the people who elected the politicans in the first place.

So how do we play a part in supporting the Japanese people during such a dire situation?

One way would be to pay less attention to what is going on the media and instead focus on a positive and restorative conclusion to the current  predicament. As we know what we place our attention upon grows. If we continue to focus our attention upon the escalating disaster then all we are really doing is ensuring that more of the same will be delivered to us. This helps no one. If instead we focus our attention upon a speedy resolution to the problem then that is what we will empower and bring forth.

Lets all play our part as members of the global community.
