Straight from the Heart

The levels of stress we experience in our lives on a daily basis are extremely high and increasing. We struggle to maintain our equilibrium in this technologically advanced and fast paced world we live in.

We have historically been conditioned to deal with what life throws at us through sensory and mental processes only. The problem with this is that we can start to experience an overload of sensory input (which translates into feelings of overwhelm) and then our thoughts about what is happening to us become infected with the negativity virus  and before long we find ourselves travelling down the slippery slope toward a breakdown (or in computer speak our hard drive becomes slower and slower until it finally freezes up)!

The other problem is that our many issues are mind made constructs anyway! Our minds are designed to keep us safe (survival orientated). The mind does this through interpreting data and drawing conclusions, labelling and judging everything in relation to these interpretations. The problem begins when we identify with these interpretations and our sense of self is derived from these false constructs. In other words we create our own realities through these interpretations and anything that challenges these realities is seen as a threat and responded to accordingly.

There is fortunately another way of living which can keep us centred and out of the stress zone!

This is heart based living where we find the off button for our compulsive mental chatter and rest in the stillness and quiet between thinking. This is where we access pure love, joy and peace. It is a place of pure heart – where we feel totally connected to everything. It is a place where we can rest in our child-like vulnerability. It is a place we can access every moment of every day – it is the present moment where all life happens.