Fat Valley of Pain

The title to this article refers to that part of our cellular memory and remnant energy that forms what is known as the “pain body”. This is where we have subconsciously stored away from sight deep within us our memory and interpretations of all those events that we experienced which we have classified as bad and which make us feel “yucky”.

The feelings we experience as a consequence of these events can be called “pain”. Yet only linear time contains the residue of these past feelings of pain and they can only form part of our present if we identify ourselves with them.

The “pain body’ remains dormant within us until triggered by an experience which our subconscious mind identifies as containing a similar energy pattern as the memory stored within us. It is the resonance of these energy patterns which starts an automatic reaction within us. Some of the “pain body’ energies are harmless – others can be destructive forces which are physically and emotionally abusive to others. 

We have all experienced this reaction in situations where we have suddenly become defensive or angry to what someone else has said or done. We don’t consciously understand why we have reacted that way. When this happens we are not consciously in control of ourselves.

This “pain body” energy is part of our “Prana” or life energy. When we keep it trapped deep inside us we lose energy. It feeds on similar energy patterns created by our negative thoughts and behaviors when we identify with that energy. The more we feed it the bigger and stronger it gets.

We can locate the “pain body” within when we notice that we are feeling angry, irritated, impatient, sad or any other negative emotion. Some people  have become so identified with their “pain body” that  their lives seem to be consumed by negativity and suffering. They find themselves surrouded by chaotic events, dramas, accidents, illnesses and failures.

Yet we can transmute gold from the mud. This energy can be transformed from negative life draining and sabotaging energy into positive life enhancing energy when be bring the light of consciousness to it.  All this involves is our consciously witnessing it without identifying with it.