Karma or Just Bad Luck?

At the very core of everything is pure energy.

Our physical environment, our thoughts, our actions are all representations of energy vibrating at different frequency levels.

Karma is all about the balancing of these energies. There is no such thing as good luck or bad luck. We create our own destinies through our conscious or unconscious intent and consequent action taken.

When you consider that all of life is very much a balancing act then this all makes sense. What I find more amazing is that Karma (or the process of energy balancing) can take many lifetimes. Indeed what we are currently experiencing in our current incarnation can quite possibly be the result of choices made in previous lifetimes (but that is another story in itself).

So how does this Karmatic process work?

Say for example you become angry and hurt someone physically. The intent and following action you have initiated causes a low energy negative ripple in the unseen universal energy fabric. That ripple creates its own cause and effect process which requires that you experience the same energy response so that the balance in the energy field can be restored to equilibrium.

The universe recognises that when anything falls out of balance for too long there can be significant a shift towards one polarity. Whether that be a positive or negative polarity too much of a good or too much of a bad thing will upset the natural order of things. Lets examine that a bit more closely – it is easy to imagine that too much negativity will result in a world not too dissimilar to the one we experience everyday now where aggression, violence, competition and power struggles are the order of the day.

Conversely, where there is a greater balance of positivity while our experiences would no doubt be more pleasant there would be little opportunity for growth. Both polar aspects in balance are essential to the continued evolution of the species.

The impact of Karma in our lives can vary dramatically from virtually little noticeable effect to a major life impacting event. If the goal is to maintain a level of balance then we must live our lives consciously with more awareness about the potential impacts of our thoughts, words and actions.

We are more often unaware of the impact of Karma in our lives because there is often a time delay between our “unbalancing causative behaviour” and the effects of that in the universal energy fabric  which as discussed may extend over may lifetimes. Most of us live our lives within the limited feedback mechanisms of our five senses and our experience of those over one lifetime.

Karma is a given. What we experience is up to us.