Going Viral!

Whats going on in our little world!

First protests, violence and governments toppling in the Middle East. Now mindless rioting and mayhem in the UK. Is their a connection here? The answer is of course there is.

We are all interconnected and our thought energies can merge and extend way beyond our local environments. Our thoughts transmit on invisible energy frequencies and are picked up by others in far away places. When there is a sufficient groundswell of thought energy the global impact of that energy can be experienced very powerfully much like a virus spreading from country to country.

The thought energies originating in Egypt, Syria and Libya represent a growing dissatisfaction with ruling regimes which had through decades of force, abuse and tyranny enslaved and robbed their peoples of basic human rights.

It is now interesting that in the UK the perpetrators of the current riots appear to be dissaffected minorities and youths who similarly are now giving vent to their feelings of powerlessness and lack of hope. There of course always those who come along for the ride and take any opportunity to join in and use these situations as a means to vent their anger and frustration at their own feelings of lack.

Whatever the goal – does the ends always justify the means?

Gandhi was a prime example of the power of peaceful non-co-operation. He showed how to overcome seemingly insurmountable odds through peaceful protest.

Violent protest will only result in violent resistance. Peaceful protest will usually encourage a peaceful response. However, it must be remembered that when dealing with “evil” a firmer resolve and response may be called for as a last resort.

It is often difficult to get any real understanding of the issues that cause spontaneous violence and destruction particularly from a distance. It is therefore not the intetnion of this article to do that. The intent here is only to encourage a dialouge about what is happening globally and to create an understanding of how interdependent we all are. What affects  a country on the other side of the world affects us all eventually.

Take care then over what you put out into the ether because when a buttefly flaps its silky wings it can generate winds throughout the world.