Prosperity Consciousness

Everything in life is influenced by a greater universal rhythm and flow. There is indeed a time and season for everything under heaven!

We have somewhere along the way fallen out of this rhythm and flow and in so doing have moved out of alignment with our natural inheritance – which is one of abundance and prosperity. We have taken on board and hold as personal truths any number of beliefs about scare-city and lack! Fear has become the dominant coin in the market place.

There is however a way back to realigning ourselves with the natural abundance of the universe. We can start this process through:

  • Being awake to success and abundance where and whenever they appear – opportunities are everywhere.
  • Becoming aligned to and in sync with what is for the greatest good.
  • Realising that success breeds success. Failure generates more failure.
  • Realising that we have all been brainwashed. We must reprogramme our conscious thoughts and subconscious beliefs.
  • Understanding that our subconscious mind is our greatest but most under utilised asset. If we do not instruct  it to help us get what we want it will still operate on autopilot anyway and use random thoughts which will only create a random reality for us.
  • Understanding that emotions can be both negative and positive however they cannot be both at the same time. One form  will always be predominant at any given point in time so we may as well use emotions which will positively gear us towards success rather than failure.
  • Realising that it takes 21 days to change a belief. We should develop the habit of changing beliefs of scarcity and lack for those of prosperity and abundance. If our current reality reflects the former then the odds are that we are still running old belief programmes.
  • Understanding that when we change who we are being everything else changes. We must be the change that we want to see in the world.
  • Understanding that we must be able to envision our lives as we want them to be. We must visualise the thoughts, beliefs, choices and actions required to get us there.
  • Last of all yet most importantly – we must remember that we are running the shows called “our lives”. We write the scripts, we direct and we act all the parts. Do our life movies excite us and fill us with inspiration and passion? If not we need to re-write our scripts and become the players who can give outstanding performances and breathe life into our life movies.