Life Affirming Self-talk is a Positive

How often do we monitor what we say during the course of the day? If you were like me probably not that much!

I suspect we ignore the true power of words which are after-all externalised expressions of our inner-most thoughts. Our language as a representation of our thoughts can become habitual and we can quickly become de-sensitised to even the most destructive and ugly words if we are not observant.

As children we learned to respond to hurtful words used by others by repeating the simple mantra “sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me”. However, in reality we did then and still do now take on board the negative comments made by others about us and when we take these comments as truth we then repeat them back to ourselves as negative, critical self-talk.

It is this self-talk that is far more damaging to us than the actual sting of the initial comment made by someone else because it is self-perpetuating and not life enhancing. What we focus on and talk about will manifest in our lives through the universal Law of Attraction. Angry and ugly words will only attract those back to us!

In a previous article I talked about some “Ancient Wisdom”. The first principle expoused was to “be impeccable with your word”. The Toltec civilisation believed that we cast spells with our words or in more modern language we create our own reality through what we think and then say. This in essence is another way of describing the Law of Attraction.

When we embark on a critical and negative way of thinking and speaking we very quickly spiral down into a dark abyss from which it is often difficult to escape. Through the Law of Attraction we draw to us more negative people and events.

The good news however is that the converse is also true. When we think and speak positively we draw to us more positive people and events.

We can through awareness and being observant notice what we are thinking and saying. We can then choose to express ourselves more deliberately rather than reactively.

To assist with this process I am going to suggest that you participate in the “Life Affirming Positive Self-Talk” Challenge. This is really quite simple and effective. Firstly for the next three weeks place and wear a rubber band on your wrist. When you notice that you have uttered something negative change the rubber band over to the other wrist. The goal is to see how long you can go without having to change the rubber band to the other wrist. If you can achieve at least a good few days without changing you are well on the way to being a Master Observer of yourself and you will notice a big change in your life. Try it out and post some feed-back.

You will be surprised at what does actually come out of your mouth on a regular basis! If you don’t like it – change it! Are you up for the challenge?