Feeling Tempted?

Ever since Adam and Eve’s battle with temptation and the serpent in the Garden of Eden we humans have been afflicted with the same battle as we deal with or simply give into the internal conflict we experience through the competing needs of our splintered personalities.

The religious icon of the “Devil” or “Lucifer” has always historically been regarded as a bringer of darkness. Yet the actual definition of “Lucifer” means “bringer of light”! Why light and not darkness? This definition makes sense when you consider that all those temptations we experience in the long run prove to be positive if we can face the temptation through making consciously responsible choices in the face of such temptations.

It is these very temptations that represent those areas in our psyches that are crying out for attention and which only grow stronger if we ignore them or simply give in to the same old predictable patterns of behaviour. Only through shining the light of consciousness upon these areas can we firstly acknowledge that these areas exist and that they can disempower us if we continue to ignore them and allow them to fuel our addictive behaviours (the road to Hell).

Once in the light we can in the face of these temptations make more empowering choices. The more we exercise this choice the weaker the temptation and addiction becomes. This is the road to healing and wholeness.

The root of all our addictions are the twin components of fear and doubt. Fear that we can’t survive and doubt that we are inherently powerful. When we recover our authentic power through consciously facing our temptations and choosing a response which supports what we truly desire then we reclaim our own slice of Heaven.