Celebrity or Celebration

Hero worship. Celebrity worship. Idolatory. These are all words that celebrate the central theme of greatness in other people or things. Main stream and social media feed our insatiable desire for vicarious fame, fortune and success through other people’s lives.

Why then the need for celebrating greatness in others?

The simple answer is that we don’t recognise it in ourselves. We have developed beliefs that keep us living small lives. We are unable to embrace our inherent power as the creators of our own lives. We instead observe and experience our own lives through our five senses and cannot imagine them any different than they already are.  Our extenal feedback mechanism thus becomes the predicator for our repeated habit of living life the way we always have. We then seek and get some short lived relief from the monotony and desperation that living our lives this way has on us through vicariously embracing the lives of others who seem to us to have made it.

When we fail to recognise and embrace our own inherent power to create the life we have always dreamed of then we develop the mindset and beliefs of victimhood. We blame life, our parents, bad luck and anybody or anything else rather than take personal responsibility for the thoughts that we focus on and which attract to us our own unique way of life. This unique way of life  is usually one we don’t want but which persists nevertheless. It persists because we keep feeding our dream of hell rather than our dream of heaven.

The quality of our thinking determines the quality of our living. If we are to achieve our heart’s desires then thinking about reasons why we are not achieving them will only reinforce our current reality. Our primary focus regardless of what our external feedback mechanism is telling us must be on having what we seek now and not accepting any information to the contrary. This is generally where most of us fall down. We fall into the trap of setting out with good intentions and then gradually allow contrary information about how we are doing erode our belief in our own success. Eventually we return to ground zero in our thinking – right back to where we started. 

We have all unfortunately been programmed to accept without question as reality everything we have taken in through our senses.  In other words our extenal environment dictates what we believe to be true. We only believe it when we see it. Whereas embracing our inherent power of creation relies on our believing in something before seeing it. This requires faith and trust in a universal power which is far greater than our own personal ego driven power.

We cannot do this alone. We must let go and let God. Faith and trust in the one universal power that underpins all of creation is not a religious faith but more a faith that we are all part of this universal power. This power is working in our lives all of the time whether we are aware of it or not. It is just that it works impartially and gives to us what we say we want through our thoughts.

So instead of celebrating other people’s success how would it be if we celebrated our own success? Let’s dance, laugh and celebrate life and envision our lives just the way we want them to be keeping the faith even when we encounter obstacles and delays. God’s delays are not God’s denials. From our small individuated perspective we can never know whether the best time is now or later or whether one path is better than the other. We must trust in the higher power to know these things and to guide us in the direction which will best serve us and all others.

Let us celebrate the good times not the bad! Let us allow our light to shine on through. Let us have faith that we will arrive at our destination when the time and circumstances are right.