When life comes knocking

When life comes to us the way that nature wanted us to be we are often not at home! Our destiny knows our name and where we live but we are always somewhere else.

We have become distracted!

We have lost touch with our authentic selves. We choose to ignore our unique gifts and instead follow paths chosen for us by others. We are scared to shine our light. We live false lives and wonder why we are not happy.

Unless you find your thing, mojo (to quote Austin Powers) or inner flame you will never be content and happy. There will always be something missing.

We have had our spontaneous authenticity knocked out of us at an early age. We are told how to behave in accordance with others rules and if we don’t we incur disapproval.

We eventually start to distrust our intuitive feelings and lean on our mental acumen to protect us.

If you have read “My Story” which is part of this blog site you will realise how I have created much unhappiness in my own life through letting others tell me how to live my life.

When I think back to my youth my inner flame was always present in my pasison for music yet I learned at that time that this would not be a career path that would be met with approval by those important to me.

And so I became distracted with insubstantial and superficial “mumbo jumbo” – money, power and status. To some extent I have been and have continued to live the lie ever since.

Yet I am now financially worse off than I have ever been with debt up to the yahzoo and I am spending alot of time in a career which generates a high income but makes me unhappy. Go figure!

I have not been at home when nature came a knocking!

Yet I now have a plan. In three years when debt has been reduced, kids have left home and the property market has regrouped I intend to simplify my life through breaking the “golden handcuffs” that keep me prisoner in a perpetual cycle of misery.

Join me if you dare in breaking free and return to the beginning.