Water you talking about?

Did you know that at least 70% of your body is made up of water and that 80% of that is in your head?

This could be just another useless statistic if it were not for the research that has been done into how human emotions can change the structure of water! When water is exposed to positive words and feelings such as love and gratitude the energy level of water not only increases but there are structural changes which make it more harmonious and beautiful. Conversely, when water is exposed to negative words and emotions energy levels drop and chaotic negative changes occur in the structure of the water.

If you extrapolate this information to your body where your cells are made mostly of water you can quickly see how your health can be directly impacted by the thoughts and feelings you are experiencing.

This understanding can be used to significant effect in creating and maintaining a healthy body. If you maintain a positive approach to life in general and have good feelings about your health then you will attract good health. If you focus on fearing or hating disease or other imperfections in your body then guess what? Thats exactly what you are likely to attract to you or if you have already attracted that you will find it difficult to change if that same negative mindset or feeling continues.

One of the best ways to express good feelings about your health is to be grateful for the things you like about your  body. Ignore perceived limitations or floors and instead imagine how healthy and beautiful your body already is.

Always bless and be grateful for the food you take into your body as this will positively affect the water content in your food. This explains why saying grace before a meal is a good habit to develop.

If you are currently suffering from a negative medical condition or dis-ease and you wish to reinstate good health then you need to imagine and feel the health you want in your body. Give love for your perfect vision, hearing, weight or whatever area you seek improvement in and imagine having it.

When you feel love for your health you are ridding yourself of any negativity in your body.

Good health!