“To be or not to be..”

That famous Shakesperian line “to be or not to be that is the question” contains within it a a very profound truth.

We are all human “beings” yet we seemed obssessed with “doing”. Maybe we should call ourselves “human doings”. Me thinks its “much a do about nothing”!

Seriously though – we are advised that to “be” happy we need to relentlessly pursue our goals and achieve our dreams of success. Of course even when we arrive at our destination happiness is fleeting before we are consumed with the need to propel ourselves forward again in search of that elusive buzz caused “happiness”.

Happiness is just one of the many other emotions we can experience as a human being. Emotions are fluid. To be fully functioning we should beĀ  prepared to open ourselves to each felt emotion. The key is to finding a balance. Like the song goes ” there is a reason turn turn turn for every season under heaven – a time to laugh, a time to cry….”

So if happiness is transitory where should we focus our attention?

I suggest that we could focus instead on “being” authentic in the moment. The meaning and purpose of our lives is just to “BE” ourselves and not to be what our Ego’s or others tell us to be. When we are authentic the universe moves with us. We connect with the flow of all things and life becomes easier.

The relentless pursuit of our goals can detract from our appreciation of the perfection of what we have right now and can cause us significant stress as we strive to achieve that elusive goal of happiness.

“To BE or not to BE” – what do you choose?