The Game of Life

Whether we choose to acknowledge it or not life is a game and like all games has objectives and rules. However, unlike our usual man made games the rules for the game of life are hardwired against change.

There are however similarities – there is a playing field in the game of life and that is our mind. The primary purpose however is not to win at the cost of other people but to increase our own conscious awareness. Secondary to this overarching purpose is the objective of fulfilling our desires and achieving our goals.

One of the unchangeable rules in the game of life is: “As you think and believe so you are.”

In other words our every thought if held in focus for long enough, if repeated and felt strongly enough will manifest in our external environment sooner or later.  The consequence of this rule is that if we wish to play the game of life successfully then we must become aware and be vigilant of our mental conversations. Our position on the playing field of life is clearly identified when we look at the external manifestation of how we are currently living our lives.

If we do not like what we see then the first place to start the process of change is our own inner dialogue.We bring awareness to what has previously been unconscious. The next step is to choose different thoughts – ones which support how we want our lives to be. When we starve our old thought patterns of our attention they fade away into nothingness. When that happens we will start to witness changes in our external environment. These changes will be representative of our new thoughts.

Change in any condition can only occur at a higher level of consciousness from that which created it. The game of life is a process of ascending to higher and higher levels of consciousness.