Satisfaction Through Attraction

The title to this article may be misleading to those of you who were after something a bit more racey!

There is no doubt that when we take a close look at our history much of what we see is reflected back to us in our present moment. The simple reason for this is that what we continually pay attention to in our lives on a daily basis will eventually manifest and become our lives.

There have been numerous studies which have shown that the very act of observing something influences that which is being observed. We can and do continually influence our experience of reality by what we focus our attention on. Unfortunately what we pay attention to is often not what we want. More often than not we keep repeating patterns of thought that while they have not worked for us in the past bizzarely feel somehow strangely comfortable and reassuring.

Take for example a situation where a person is experiencing financial difficulty – it is most probable that person will spend alot of their time focussing on the fact that they have a problem. They will be constantly thinking about how much money they have and how many bills they have to pay. While such a mental process is understandable as one endeavours to manage what is a pressured and stressful situation the very act of focussing on the perceived lack of financial abundance in their lives will only serve to perpetuate that situation.

If on the other hand you are wanting to create financial abundance then your focus should be on experiencing that abundance right now. Being grateful for what you already have in life is a great place to start.Even though we may have problems and challenges there are also many blessings and inspirations being experienced in our lives also. It is these blessings that we tend to overlook.

It is also important to choose a supportive emotional state while you are focussing on what you want. Our emotions provide the necessary energy for our intentions. We need to be aware of our emotional state at all times and the thinking that sources that.

When we support our desires and focus on the outcomes we want we will naturally start to feel good. Just as poorly directed thinking and low emotional states will ensure that we feel dissatisfaction in our lives the converse is also true. Quality thinking produces quality results.
