Living Separate Lives

We can no more live our lives separate from each other and our source than a droplet of water can exist separate from a river or ocean.

Yet we humans behave as if we are all alone and unconnected with each other. We act as if it is us against them, that our beliefs are better than theirs, that we are in opposition to everyone else and that our individual interests are paramount. We see this throughout the world when terrorists declare their cause to be divinely inspired and in God’s or Allah’s name indiscriminantly kill and maim innocent people.

We see this also when countries decide that as the self-proclaimed ‘good guys” attack and invade other countries regardless of the ensuing loss of life. We see this in our communities and our relationships when we conspire to put our personal interests ahead of the greater collective good.

This is not surprising given that all of our programming as children is designed to make us feel unsafe. In addition our physiology is such that our brains are divided into separate “lateralised hemispheres” (right brain creative functioning) and left brain (logical functioning) which causes a split within our mental processing. This is quite symbolic of the dualistic world that we live in. It is this tension bewteen opposites that in fact created the manifested world of matter as we know it.

We are victims of an outmoded mind set that was created to ensure the survival of the species. However, it is this mindset which if it continues unabated will ensure the demise of the human species and the world that we live in.

We have a date with destiny and if we are going to be able to save our world then we need to evolve to the next level of understanding and way of life. This understanding requires us all to realise that what we do to others we do to ourselves. What we do at an individual level impacts on the collective level. If we treat ourselves with contempt we become contemptuous of others.

A collective “out of mind” shift is required so that we can reconnect again with  the All-Oneness that we access from the stillness within. This marks the next quantum leap in our evolution.