Living Life to the Fullest

How often do we miss or ignore opportunities that may well give us exactly what we want because we are focussed on protecting the status quo or because we are just fast asleep at the wheel?

Shouldn’t life be lived fully! Isn’t it better to burn out rather than to fade away?

Yet most of us seem to live quiet desperate little lives trying vainly to hang on to all that we have fought so hard and long for and  go to any lengths to live long boring work orientated lives. But is there any real point in living long lives if the quality of those lives is so poor? Are we working hard just to survive and pay the man?

There is a certain numbness and contraction in living our lives in “Smallville”!

I envy those people who seem to naturally be able to live each moment as if it were their last. The good old “Bucket List’ is a good example of people getting really clear on what they have always wanted to do in life but have been too scared or too comfortable to act on these desires.

In reality none of us knows when our number will be up so do you want to be one of those people who departs the mortal coil with many regrets?

Sure we have to do the business to survive but there is nothing stopping us getting really clear on what we want from life. Are you one of those who usually stands back to see what life delivers up for you? How’s that working for you? I suspect most probably not that well. How do I know? Because I used to be one of those people!

Personally I would much rather live a full creative but short life than a long dull and small life. Time to get busy living me thinks! If people or things in your life no longer serve where you want to go or what you want to do then leave them to one side and choose to focus and fill your life with energies that are more harmonious with the path you have chosen for yourself.

The time we have in life is all too short. When we are young we think we are invincible and time seems to pass so slowly. As we grow older we become more safety conscious and the years seem to fly by until we reach the point when we suddenly realise that the best and most energetic years of our lives have been spent quietly in self imposed limitation.

I intend that 2012 will be a year in which I get really clear on how I want to live the remainder of my life.