How much do you value yourself?

Throughout our lives we are called to make many decisions on a daily basis about who we choose to be and what we want from life. Yet most likely those decisions have been and continue to be made at the mental level after a careful and deliberate consideration of the all the pros and cons. This can often lead to analysis paralysis and procrastination. Sound familiar?

The decisions we make in our lives are intended to be for our best interests and in anticipation of resulting success, happiness and prosperity. However, many decisions we make with the best intentions do not bring us the anticipated results we so ardently expect. Often instead they bring us the opposite of what we expect. While these can be enormously beneficial learning experiences many of these experiences could have potentially been avoided and we could have instead experienced our desired outcomes if we have taken the time to consult our hearts.

We can be assured that any decision we make will be congruent with our hearts if we have first considered how the decision will support our core values. Why – because our core values are representative of our personal truths. Our core values are the foundation stones upon which we securely build lives that withstand the rigours of a fast paced and ever changing world.

If we ignore our core values in the decision making process then there is a significant risk that much like building a house on sand we will sink beneath the sands of time to live inconspicuous, meaningless and desperate lives full of the stuff we don’t want and which bring us no happiness.

It is probably reasonably safe to assume that 95% of people have no idea whatsoever what their core values are. Thats alot of people who are making life changing decisions with regularity that do not support their personal truths. How successful do you think these people are going to be? Well the reality is that some will hit the mark through random chance and others will miss the target completely and be left wondering how that happened. Life should not be left to chance.

Our core values are our compass to living lives we have only ever dreamed of.

At John Gray Coaching we assist our clients in identifying their 6 most important core values so that every significant decision they make is based on whether it will support their values or not. We have developed tried and tested tools that help our clients quickly and effectively learn how to value themselves.  How much do you value yourself?