Feeling Troubled? Why not inspire change instead?

“Trouble” is an interesting word in that it conveys a certain meaning which is always negative. In general use it can mean a problem, a difficulty, a worry or cause of concern, something distressful, something annoying or disturbing………….you get the drift?

The problem with trouble (excuse the oxymoron) is that it is a generic word for something quite subjective. One person’s trouble is another’s blessing! We aniticpate trouble or we recall troubling events. The reason for this is our personality driven need to control our external environment so that it fits squarely within our own limited conscious frame of reference. We are most comfortable with what is consciously familiar even if the familiar causes us pain or limits us.

When an event or person we experience or come into contact with does not fit within our frame of reference we become troubled. We experience or predict negative impacts for ourselves and others. When this happens we try to change the event or the person so that it or they fit within our comfort zone. This process is of course unconscious mostly. Black and white thinkers can suffer the most from this need. However, life is not black and white it is a myriad of many different shades of colour. Thats what makes life so interesting.

The other interesting thing though is that what we perceive as troubling in our external environment is in reality a mirror reflecting back to us ourselves. When we encounter trouble it is useful to consider how we ourselves also do the things that trouble us in an albeit different manner.

Trouble can be used as a tool for positive personal growth. When you feel troubled just ask yourself what about the person or event you find troubling and then see where you have your own struggles in the same areas. You can then should you choose to work to change yourself to be more the person you want to be. Use your own personal power to tranform yourself and by doing so inspire others to follow suit. Power always wins out over force.