Can you relate to this?

When you approach the end of your life it is likely that you will look back on how you have lived your life.

It should come as no surprise to you that one of the things that will matter the most to you will be the quality of your relationships. It’s unlikely that you will care about the Mercedes parked in the garage or the share portfolio!

In your life you will be involved in a number of significant and important relationships. the most important of which is with yourself! It follows that the quality of your self-relationship will pretty much dictate the quality of your other relationships.

The key to developing a great self-relationship is through having positive self-esteem and being more aware of how we get in our own way and sabotage ourselves from achieving the success we have always dreamed of by continuing to replicate “bad habits”.

We then need to ask ourselves what we are doing to makeĀ  all our other relationships all that they can be.

The key to this is effective communication. In short this means that you have to take responsibility for your part of the communication and you also need to really listen to what is being communicated to you.

You may have to ask questions to clarify what you think is being said and then state what you think has just be said to ensure you have understood correctly.

This will require your commitment, discipline and persistence.

The Golden Rule here is to always treat others with respect and kindness whether they deserve it or not and to give without expecting something in return!